Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your office located?

Moon & Sun Counseling is located at:

5951 S. Middlefield Road
Suite #205
Littleton, CO 80123

Do you offer telehealth?

Yes! I am pleased to offer HIPAA-compliant video/telehealth counseling. Please let me know if this is the best option for you.

I ask that you are not driving or in a public space for telehealth sessions.

How long is a session?

Sessions are 50 minutes long, meeting on a weekly or biweekly session, depending on the client’s needs. Less frequent sessions tend to be less productive.

Call and book your free consultation today to find out more information: (720) 797-9828.

Group session rates are variable, depending on the number of meetings.

Brief phone calls between sessions are free. Calls beyond 15 minutes are prorated at the full session fee.

What forms of payment do you accept?

I accept payment through Ivy Pay, a HIPAA-compliant credit card processing service. With this platform, I can charge for sessions without physically swiping a card, but none of your card information is stored on my end.

Before our first session, I will text you an invitation to sign up for Ivy Pay. You are welcome to edit your card on file at any time.

Please note that I am unable to provide services to Medicaid participants. I will ask for proof of insurance for verification.

Do you offer sliding scale rates?
Yes – to a limited number of clients. I’d be happy to discuss this during your free consultation.
What is your cancellation policy?

Sessions missed or canceled with less than 24 hours’ notice will be charged the full fee.

This fee is only waived if a serious or contagious illness or inclement weather occurs.

What do I need to know to get the most out of therapy?

The best therapy actually happens outside our sessions! The idea is to learn in session what’s keeping you from being the most amazing version of yourself and then implement new ways of thinking into your life.

So… do I have to do homework?
I may recommend a book or podcast, but ultimately it is up to you whether you follow through. You are still welcome to come to therapy, even if you decide not to do the “assigned” reading.
What if I cry?
Everybody needs a good ugly cry now and then. Don’t worry: I have lots of Kleenex and am fully prepared for tears, laughter, anger, and whatever else may come up for you.
What if I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the session?
I promise the door isn’t locked behind you. Please meet those needs if you need to use the restroom, get some water, or have a snack.
Have you ever been in therapy yourself?
Absolutely! I still get my therapeutic tune-ups. The benefits I gained from therapy are why I became a therapist.
Is the furniture comfortable?
Comfortable enough for exactly 50 minutes. Relaxing but not nap-inducing.
What are your thoughts on pumpkin spice?
I know you scrolled to see if this specific question would be addressed. I am pro-pumpkin spice and all things fall, but I also appreciate summer, spring, and winter smells.